
Family Conference

His Presence

Young At Heart Gala

The Young At Heart Gala is sponsored for the Angel Club. To become a member of the Angel Club, you have to be in the age range of 65 and above.  It is for men and women in that age range.


A Gala is held to honor all the Seniors and to thank them for all the contributions they have made to their local churches, community, state (local & federal government) and to the Body of Christ. It has always been and will continue to be a free event for all Angel Club member/Young At Heart.

We (Women In Fellowship, Inc.) are directed by Holy Spirit to have this event to show His love to his children and to let them know that they are still USEFUL to the Body of Christ.

One- Day Prayer Conference

The Prayer Gathering is held 3 times a year, March, June, and September. We pray about the Seven Mountains of Influence, and we pray for the Nations. We use the Book “A Watchman’s Guide to Praying God’s Promises” by Dick Eastman. We have leaders from different churches and different denominations. The Holy Spirit has given us an unique way we can all come together and pray.

Encountering His Presence    

Saturday, September 21, 2024

8:00 AM- 2:00 PM

Comfort Inn Conference Center

Registration Fee: $65 w/ Luncheon

Women In Fellowship © 2023 All Rights Reserved

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